@misc{Plesiński_Karol_Analiza, author={Plesiński, Karol}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The work describes the scouring process downstream of boulder block ramps on Poniczanka Stream in Ponice village. The depth of the down-stream scouring rate was calculated using empirical formulae due to different authors. The results of the calculations were verified basing on the field measurements. Finally only those formulae which results were most consistent with field observations and those with were the worst consistent with field observations are presented along a paper.}, abstract={Thus the aim of the study was to verify the existing formulae of the scouring depth calculation downstream of block ramp hydraulic structure on the basis of the results of field research. It was found that the empirical relationships for calculating the scouring depth in observed case are not satisfied enough, however they can be used for comparative analysis for designers.}, title={Analiza rozmycia dna cieku poniżej bystrza o zwiększonej szorstkości (przykład z potoku Poniczanka w miejscowości Ponice) = Gravel bed river scouring analysis downstream of block ramp (example from the Poniczanka stream in Ponice village)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rozmycie dna, wzory empiryczne, bystrze o zwiększonej szorstkości, Poniczanka (potok), scouring depth, empirical formulas, block ramp, Poniczanka stream}, }