@misc{Czajkowska_Justyna_Variability, author={Czajkowska, Justyna and Nowak, Piotr and Malarski, Maciej and Pergół, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article contains the results of research carried out at the SGGW Water and Sewage Institute in Warsaw regarding the pre-treatment of sewage sludge by means of microwave disintegration. Sewage sludge came from the "Mokre Łąki" sewage treatment plant in the Izabelin commune. Experiments were carried out on thickened and unthickened sludge. Every sludge was disintegrated in portions of various volumes, as well as at different times of microwave influence.}, abstract={Significant changes in the values of the tested parameters were noted, such as: COD, turbidity and temperature due to the use of sludge sonification process. These parameters have a significant impact on the course of further processes, which may be subject to processed sewage sludge and supernatant liquid. Therefore, determining the variability of these parameters is important.}, title={Variability of selected parameters as a result of microwave disintegration of sewage sludge}, type={artykuł}, keywords={sewage sludge, disintegration, sludge sonification}, }