@misc{Koteluk_Daniel_Rozwój, author={Koteluk, Daniel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={After the end of World War II, the firemen and some other settlers, arriving in ziemia lubuska, managed to set up an effective fire fighting force - despite their insufficient numbers and lacking equipment. Over the period of 1945-1949 they helped the local people put out numerous fires in the region. Besides, they organized culture and education events for the village folk.}, abstract={However, their situation worsened when the Polish communists, unrivalled, came to power: the new authorities took steps to purge the firemen brigades from "inimical elements". They also succeeded in abolishing the self-governance of the OSP (Volunteer Firemen Brigades) and deprived the firemen of many of their treasured distinctions. That was how the ruling PZPR (United Polish Workers' Party) made volunteer-firemen lose completely their autonomy in the Stalinist period in Poland.}, title={Rozwój ochrony przeciwpożarowej na ziemi lubuskiej w latach 1945-1949 = Ziemia lubuska's firemen of 1945-1949: more than fire fighters}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna, Ziemia Lubuska, historia - 1945-1989}, }