@misc{Michalak._Ryszard_Wytyczne, author={Michalak. Ryszard}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={On 20-22 August, 1953, in Moscow, negotiations were held between the Soviet governmentand the GDR government delegation. The Polish society suspected that behind the scenes there were talks about the revision of Poland's western border, running along the Nysa and theOdra rivers. The party and state authorities feared the inhabitants of the Recovered Territories might be thrown into a panic. Measures bad to be taken to reassure the Polish society.}, abstract={The negotiations were then the topic of a meeting on August 28, 1953, of the top brass of KW PZPR (Zielona Góra's Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party) which passed the "guidelines on the information campaign in connection with the Soviet-German talks." The author was Tadeusz Zalewski, Propaganda Chief of KW PZPR in Zielona Góra.}, abstract={The Zalewski plan was then implemented across the whole of the Administrative Department of Zielona Góra. The need to adopt the plan attested to the fiasco of the propaganda work carried out over the period of 1949-1953 which promoted the division of Germans into 'good' and 'bad' ones. In fact, GDR was considered in Poland as equally dangerous as the country of "West-German revisionists," and the Poles saw just one German nation- still threatening Poland and its inhabitants.}, title={Wytyczne KW PZPR w Zielonej Górze w sprawie przeprowadzenia kampanii wyjaśniającej w związku z wynikami radziecko-niemieckich rokowań w 1953 roku = The guidelines by KW PZPR in Zielona Góra on the information campaign in connection with the Soviet-German talks in 1953}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zielona Góra (okręg), PZPR (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza), stosunki polsko-niemieckie, stosunki niemiecko-rosyjskie, Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne}, }