@misc{Berezovskaa_Regina_A._Poziom, author={Berezovskaa, Regina A.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={rus}, abstract={The study addresses the improving of job-related well-being among Russian managers and analyzes the role of agency ("subjectivity") in this process. As a criterion of occupational well-being is considered a self-assessment of the level of professional demand which is defined as meta-system of person's subjective attitudes to him/herself as significant professional for others.}, abstract={We received the stepwise linear regression model according which advanced self-management skills and high level of activity have statistically reliable influence on general index of managers' professional demand (R2 = 0,523). It was also found that managers tended to move to the more frequent use of the object-oriented behaviors than employees. The significance of focus on agency as one of the personal resources for occupational well-being promotion and the areas of future research are discussed.}, title={Poziom rozwoju podmiotowości jako jeden z zasobów dobrostanu zawodowego w działalności kierowniczej = Agency as a resource of job-related well-being in managerial work}, type={artykuł}, keywords={psychologia zdrowia zawodowego, podmiotowość, dobrostan zawodowy, przeżywania subiektywnego znaczenia wykonywanego zawodu, podejście zasobowe, działalność menedżerska, occupational health psychology, agency (subjectivity), job-related well-being, professional demand, resource approach, managerial work}, }