@misc{Hadzicka_Joanna_Uczestnictwo, author={Hadzicka, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={During early adolescence identity formation is the core thread of development. In the same time emerges clear tendency to increasing the role of peer group, fulfilling important role in the life of teenager. Formal groups can have particular impact on their members, because of organizational aspects of functioning, distinguishing them from other peer groups. This paper is an attempt to explain in what ways membership in formal groups can be related to identity formation processes, as an example analysing Polish Scouts Association, and using the dynamic double-cycle model of identity formation (Luyckx et all, 2008).}, abstract={Research reported in the paper included polish version of Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS/PL) (Brzezińska, Piotrowski, 2010), measuring 5 dimensions of identity (exploration in breadth, exploration in depth, ruminative exploration, commitment making and identification with commitment). Research sample consists of 133 early adolescents living in large cities, including 71 scouts.}, abstract={The results do not confirm most of the assumptions, no difference between scout and noscout samples on identity dimensions was found, although the structure of variables is more consistent in scouts sample. A cluster analysis presented four qualitative various profiles ? identity statuses: diffusion, undifferentiated, moratorium and foreclosure (Luyckx et all, 2008). The scouts sample distribution between clusters differed from the comparative group ? more scouts were in diffused identity cluster.}, abstract={The results, however unexpected, could indicate not only a tendency to overestimate the role of membership in scouts organizations, but also a more complex nature of the relations between scouts' organization membership and identity development (and the need of furthermore research).}, title={Uczestnictwo w grupach sformalizowanych a rozwój tożsamości we wczesnej adolescencji na przykładzie ZHP = Formal group participation and sense of identity formation during early adolescence (based on Polish Scouts Association)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={eksploracja, grupa formalna, grupa rówieśnicza, harcerstwo, organizacja, skauting, tożsamość, wczesna adolescencja, zobowiązanie, commitment, early adolescence, exploration, formal group, identity, organization, peer group, scouting, support of development}, }