@misc{Mróz_Anna_Idea, author={Mróz, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={Psychological theories that represent the model of multidimentional developmental changes offer a complicated approach to the problem of integrity in adults development. Integrity is defined as the coherence of functioning of different elements of mental structure. However, it must be differentiated from developmental synchrony. Integrity implies unity of the structure working as a system.}, abstract={That means, a change of each of its elements causes a change of the whole inner mental environment. Authors of some psychological theories expect integrity to be a precondition for mental health and human maturity. The theories represent cognitive-developmental psychology, as well as narrative psychology.}, abstract={K. Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration plays the special role in this concept, as it underlines that integration and integrity are not the same mental processes. Moreover, disintegrative processes can be very supportive for achievement of the state of inner integrity.}, title={Idea integralności w rozwoju człowieka dorosłego = The idea of integrity in adults development}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rozwój człowieka, integralność rozwojowa, zdrowie psychiczne, wielokierunkowe zmiany rozwojowe, human development, developmental integrity, mental health, multidimensional developmental changes}, }