@misc{Šamne_Anželika_V._Adolescencja, author={Šamne, Anželika V.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={rus}, abstract={The article deals with the analysis of the modern adolescence as a cultural and historical construct, a development period, a social and age-related group, as well as a psycho-social phenomenon. New trends of the psycho-social development of the present-day youth associated with a set of socio-cultural transformations of the late XX and the early ??? centuries have been examined. The features of the social conditions of the development of the present-day youth have been analysed in the context of M. Mead's ideas regarding the mutual substitution of post-figurative, co-figurative and pre-figurative cultures during the development of the mankind.}, abstract={Two lines of the socio-psychological analysis have been implemented: the socio-cultural phenomenology of adolescence in its ontogenesis (as an age-related period); the role of adolescence in the historical development of the society and the culture (as a social and age-related group). A history-dependent psychological, cultural and socio-psychological analysis of the interdependence problem regarding the development of youth and culture has been presented. The constraints of the traditional paradigm of adolescence have been critically analysed.}, abstract={A culture-dependent historical interpretation of adolescence as a subject of culture and a medium of culture-creating function during the development of the mankind has been presented. The role of the younger generation in the process of giving rise to something new in the culture and in the actualization of the humanity's creative endeavour has been characterized. In the context of young people's ability to be the subject not only of the acquisition, but also of the transformation of culture, long-term goals of the modern education and upbringing have been defined.}, title={Adolescencja jako fenomen psychospołeczny i grupa wiekowa we współczesnej przestrzeni społeczno-kulturowej i życiowej = Adolescence as a psycho-social phenomenon and an age-related group in the modern socio-cultural and living space}, type={artykuł}, keywords={chłopięctwo, subiekt kultury, przestrzeń społeczno-kulturowa, społeczna sytuacja rozwoju, cele wykształcenia, adolescence, subject of culture, socio-cultural space, social conditions of the development, education goals}, }