@misc{Trepka-Starosta_Justyna_Znaczenie, author={Trepka-Starosta, Justyna and Starosta, Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={This paper discusses issues related to grief after the death of the child, participation insupport groups and its role in the process of coping with loss. The aim is to present how participationin support groups affects the difficult process of mourning. The theoretical basics in this studywere: conceptiont of grief process by Sanders (2001) and social support by Sęk and Cieślak (2011).To verify the hypothesis the quantitative research was conducted on a group of 66 parents betweenthe ages of 27 to 63 years old.}, abstract={Half of the group participated in support groups and the other half did not. The social support was analyzed with the use of Social Support Questionnaire and Berlin Social Support Scale (BSSS). The sense of meaning of life was explored by the PIL scale. Beck Depression Inventory was used to estimate depression stage. The result of the research showed that participation in the support groups is helpful, but not crucial for the individuals in the process of grief.}, abstract={Nevertheless the exercise of support groups has some benefits ? it has positive influence on relationship between married couple and it reduces syndromes of depression. Research showed that social support is significant for people in grief. The results of the study didn't show relevance between participation in support groups and increase of sense of meaning of life.}, abstract={The research results didn't prove any influence on adjustments of faith after losing the child. It considers the role and benefits of support groups, predisposition of orphaned to choose adequate forms of assistanceas well as recommendations for people who can help them.}, title={Znaczenie uczestnictwa w grupach wsparcia w powrocie do równowagi psychicznej osób po doświadczeniu straty dziecka = Significance of participation in support groups in psychological recovery after experiencing the loss of a child}, type={artykuł}, keywords={strata, żałoba, wsparcie, grupa wsparcia, radzenie sobie ze stratą, sens życia, death of the child, mourning, coping with loss, support group, social group}, }