@misc{Izydorczyk_Bernadetta_Trauma, author={Izydorczyk, Bernadetta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The aim of the article was to demonstrate results of the Author's own study that sought relationships between having experienced psychological trauma and the impulsive symptoms in women suffering from bulimia and compulsive overeating . The basic research question was the following: To what degree are the trauma experienced by females with bulimia and symptoms, compulsive overeating related with these females' impulsive symptoms?}, abstract={The sample comprised 120 females with eating disorders, particularly: 60 females aged between 20 and 28 diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, 60 females diagnosed with binge-eating disorder. The research was carried out in the years 2007-2014 in outpatient clinics treating neuroses and eating disorders and mental health outpatient clinics in Poland. The study employed clinical interview and psychometric methods (Eating Disorders Inventory D. Garnera, polish version C. Żechowski).}, abstract={Statistical analysis confirmed the existence of a higher frequency of impulsive symptoms in women with bulimia and binge-eating disorder who have experienced trauma(s) in their lives (particularly in their childhood and adolescence) and those who did not reveal such experience. Diagnosing the occurrence of relational trauma in patients' autobiographies is a key element that should be involved in the process of psychotherapy for people with eating disorders.}, title={Trauma a wzorzec objawów impulsywnych u kobiet chorujących na bulimię psychiczną i kompulsywne objadanie się = Trauma to pattern of impulsive symptoms in women suffering from bulimia and compulsive overeating}, type={artykuł}, keywords={trauma, objawy impulsywne, bulimia, kompulsywne objadanie się, impulsive symptoms, compulsive overeating}, }