@misc{Karandašev_Yuri_Ujednolicona, author={Karandašev, Yuri}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The central problem of development psychology, and psychology in general, is a way of dividing of life into periods called in european tradition as a periodization of ontogenesis. Nor just the division of life into separate periods, but the creation of a theory that would explain why the individual life is divided into periods in a certain way. Only with such a theory, it is possible to wonder about the age periods and the duration of their borders. The solution of second problem appears as an objective of this article.}, title={Ujednolicona chronologia i metryka rozwoju ontogenetycznego = Unified chronology and metrics of ontogenetic development}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ontogeneza, chronologia ontogenezy, metryka ontogenezy, periodyzacja rozwoju, poziomowa periodyzacja ontogenezy, ewolucyjna koncepcja ontogenezy, ontogenesis, chronology of ontogenesis, metrics of ontogenesis, way of dividing of life into periods, periodization of ontogenesis, multi-level periodization of development, evolutionary theory of development}, }