@misc{Kalinowski_Bartosz_T._Analysis, author={Kalinowski, Bartosz T.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper aims to present results of the study on business process maturity in relation to organisational performance. A two-phase methodology, based on literature review and survey was used. The literature is a source of knowledge about business process maturity and organisational performance, whereas the research on process maturity vs organisational performance in Polish Enterprises provides findings based on 84 surveyed companies.}, abstract={The main areas of the research covered: identification and analysis of maturity related variables and identification of organisational performance perspectives and its relation to process maturity. The study shows that there is a significant positive relation between process maturity and organisational performance.}, abstract={Although there are research on such relation available, they are scarce and have some significant limitations in terms of research sample or the scope of maturity or organisational performance covered. This publication is part of a project funded by the National Science Centre awarded by decision number DEC-2011/01/D/HS4/04070.}, title={Analysis of business process maturity and organisational performance relations = Analiza relacji pomiędzy dojrzałością procesową i wynikami organizacji}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dojrzałość procesowa, zarządzanie procesowe, wyniki organizacji, efektywność, process maturity, process management, organisational performance}, }