@misc{Brajer-Marczak_Renata_Elements, author={Brajer-Marczak, Renata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The key role in process management is played by the systematic analysis, measurement and improvement of processes. The imperative of continuous introduction of changes in processes is the answer to the changing conditions of competition and the great dynamics in the expectations and preferences of customers. Information related to business process should be collected and formalized in order to improve the execution of processes.}, abstract={In connection with the above, it may be stated that the improvement of processes should be supported by the concept of knowledge management in the institutional sense where we refer to the structure of communication and information which enables the interaction between members of the organization. The purpose of the study is to present relations between process management and the concept of knowledge management, with particular attention being paid to the improvement of processes seen through the prism of knowledge resources.}, abstract={The execution of the objective formulated above made use of such research methods as research on the literature on the subject related to process management and knowledge management as well as the findings from the author?s own surveys conducted in 2015 among medium and lower management personnel in organizations improving processes.}, title={Elements of knowledge management in the improvement of business processes = Elementy zarządzania wiedzą w doskonaleniu procesów biznesowych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zarządzanie wiedzą, zasoby wiedzy, proces biznesowy, doskonalenie, knowledge management, knowledge resources, business process, improvement of process}, }