@misc{Szymaniec_Karolina_Impact, author={Szymaniec, Karolina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The resource-based view has an established position in the strategic management of a public organisation. However, it is not given much attention in the area of public governance, focusing instead on analysing the impact of a single resource on an organisation?s performance. This article attempts to fill this gap by analysing the impact of strategic orientation adopted by an organisation on its performance.}, abstract={In addition, the analysis also covers the impact of the approach to stakeholder relations management adopted by an organisation on its performance. Studies were conducted on public healthcare entities, using a survey questionnaire and quantitative methods. The obtained results indicate that a resource-based view to strategic thinking has an impact on an organisation's performance (negative correlation). A positive correlation, on the other hand, exists between the approach to stakeholder relations management adopted by an organisation and its performance.}, title={Impact of strategic orientation adopted by an organisation on its performance, as shown on the example of public healthcare entities = Wpływ orientacji strategicznej organizacji na efektywność jej funkcjonowania na przykładzie publicznych podmiotów leczniczych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={podejście zasobowe, zarządzanie publiczne, organizacja publiczna, interesariusze, publiczny podmiot leczniczy, resource-based view, public governance, public organisation, stakeholders, public healthcare entity}, }