@misc{Majkut_Robert_A, author={Majkut, Robert and Pluta, Jacek and Rybczyński, Radosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={A noticeably increased intensity of migration becomes a very important issue with regard to economic, socio-cultural and political matters. Broader flow of people results in the occurrence of numerous threats, but also provides opportunities and benefits for both the participants of migration flows, and the areas to which the flowis directed.}, abstract={An important role in this process is played by the students, who con stitute a special category of immigrants. The article contains a socio-economic characteristics of foreign students from countries of the former CIS, with the emphasis on their reasons for immigration, organizing their new life abroad, life plans and in particular their economic activity.}, abstract={The core purpose of the article is to identify the mechanisms of adaptation of foreign students as a specific category of immigrants to functioning in the new socioeconomic environment. The article, in addition to its cognitive merit, also has a practical purpose. The problems and obstacles faced by foreign students in Poland form a basis for general recommendations for actions aimed at improving the conditions of functioning of foreign students in the new realities.}, title={A Socio-Economic Portrait of Foreign Students in Poland - as Exemplified by Students from Former CIS Studying at WSB University in Wroclaw = Socjoekonomiczny portret studentów obcokrajowców w Polsce - przykład studentów z państw dawnej WNP studiujących w WSB we Wrocławiu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={migracje, asymilacja, aktywność ekonomiczna imigrantów, studenci obcokrajowcy, WSB (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa) (Wrocław), migrations, assimilation, economic activity of immigrants, foreign students, WSB University in Wroclaw}, }