@misc{Olczak_Agnieszka_O, author={Olczak, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={One of the key tasks facing education in a democratic society is to prepare citizens to function in a constantly changing reality. This raises the question of whether one can prepare citizens for life in a democratic society and fully understand the mechanisms of democracy without practicing democracy from childhood?}, abstract={How do we want to build a democratic society, while constantly limiting children?s participation and forcing them to be subordinated? Education is full of semblances, enslavement, and conservatism in the perception of the child and the adult power is an element that commonly justifies authoritarian relationships. There must be a change in the organization of education. We need to change the way of thinking about the child and teacher in the educational process.}, title={O braku demokracji w edukacji dla demokracji - pozory, zniewolenie i trudne poszukiwanie zmiany = About the lack of democracy in education for democracy - semblances, servitude and difficult search for changes}, type={artykuł}, keywords={demokracja, pozory, zniewolenie, dzieciństwo, democracy, semblance, servitude, childhood}, }