@misc{Michalski_Zbigniew_Źródła, author={Michalski, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The article surveys a problem of division in communities examining sources of differences between groups of people and countries in a socio-cultural context. The author describes the impact of culture on the "mind programming" regarding difference, and presents typical categories of cultural aspects like values and practices on various levels of functioning in social realities in terms of thinking and behaviour patterns.}, abstract={The interactions and relations between values and practices are shown graphically. The author, answering the question in subheading, analyzes the importance of fieldwork as well as the role of the applied social sciences in a process of building relationships between divided groups or communities. The investigation proves that it is possible to reach an agreement in spite of the divisions.}, title={Źródła podziałow we wspolnotach w kontekście społeczno-kulturowym. Czy stosowane nauki społeczne mogą pomoc budować relacje ponad podziałami? = The sources of community divisions in socio-cultural contexts. Can the applied social sciences help build relationships despite the divisions?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={podziały, wspólnota, kultura, "zaprogramowanie umysłu", relacje, wartości, praktyki, divisions, communities, culture, "mind programming", relationship, values, cultural practices}, }