@misc{Capelo_Regina_Good, author={Capelo, Regina and Varela, Miguel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Structural changes and social stratification in a rapidly changing world produce psychosocial and socio-cultural consequences that are expressed in mechanisms of discrimination and social exclusion and require the creation of mechanisms that motivate and reinforce culture as a strategy of social inclusion. This study describes the cultural dynamics for social inclusion developed in a vulnerable socio-economic context.}, abstract={The intersectoral intervention, structured weekly, involves four major themes: Carnival, flower festival, popular saints and harvest festival. The intervention in intergenerational partnership (regional government, municipality, parish council, recreational, cultural and sporting associations, sports, and other public and private institutions), made it possible to promote culture reinforcement, inform and debate contextual risk factors and prevent risk as a right and duty of citizenship.}, abstract={Realistic expectations regarding partnerships and social inclusion promoted reflections on the potentialities and limits of cultural dynamics in the current social context. Finally, issues for the prevention of social exclusion were discussed, generating opportunities for individual, family and group interventions.}, title={Good connections: cultural dynamics for social inclusion = Dobre połączenia: dynamika kulturalna na rzecz inkluzji społecznej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={podatność społeczna, wykluczenie społeczne, integracja społeczna, kultura, znajomości, social vulnerability, social exclusion, social inclusion, culture, connections}, }