@misc{Pokrzyńska_Magdalena_Śmierć,, author={Pokrzyńska, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The article is devoted to the customs that are associated with death, which exist in the praxis and culture of the Polish environment in the northern part of the historical region named Bukovina. The author presents both traditional customs as well as contemporary actions in the event of death of a family or a local community member. She draws attention to the phenomenon of durability and continuity of customs but also to the cultural changes and modern forms which gradually displace former solutions.}, abstract={The contemporary actions of the Polish people in the context of death are influenced among others by: the traditional folk religiousness, the Roman-Catholic Church, close contacts with Orthodoxy, historical context (communism) and current civilization changes. The study includes plenty of quotations from the in-depth interviews conducted by the interdisciplinary Polish-Ukrainian team in 2016.}, title={Śmierć, pogrzeb, żałoba - zwyczaje w środowisku polskim na Bukowinie Północnej = Death, funeral and mourning - customs in the Polish environment in northern Bukovina}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Śmierć, pogrzeb, żałoba, Polacy na Bukowinie Północnej, death, funeral, mourning, Polish people in the northern Bukovina}, }