@misc{Narkiewicz_Katarzyna_The, author={Narkiewicz, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article deals with the issue of civic activity of Poles, as illustrated by the case of Zielona Gora citizens, in reference to the problem of accepting refugees from Syria and other countries at war. The first part of the article presents statistical data on civic activity of Poles which is followed by an attempt of interpreting the presented results in historical and demographic context.}, abstract={The second part of the article aims at presenting a short calendar of events connected with and, at the same time, creating the discourse on refugees which took place in Zielona Gora within the two years discussed in the article. In conclusion the author tries to answer the question whether the problem of refugees really is a factor of civic activity observed in the city, not different from those taking place in the whole country, and whether these activities can be qualified as civic behaviour at all.}, title={The problem of refugees as a factor of active citizenship of inhabitants of Zielona Gora = Problem uchodźców jako czynnik aktywności obywatelskiej mieszkańców Zielonej Góry}, type={artykuł}, keywords={uchodźcy, debata publiczna, aktywność obywatelska, refugees, public debate, civic activity}, }