@misc{Kozłowska_Izabela_Między, author={Kozłowska, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the article is the prose dealing with intelligentsia settlements, published in the years 1946-1948 ("Drewniany koń" ["Wooden horse"] by K. Brandys, "Jezioro Bodeńskie" ["The Constance Lake"] by S. Dygat, "Nagrobek" ["Tombstone"] by S. Otwinowski and P. Hertz's short story collection entitled "Sedan"). Narrative strategy present in the literary works fosters the search for autobiographical elements.}, abstract={The author investigates relationship between the writers' political lives and the lives of literary figures created by them, wondering to what extent the expectations placed upon writers by communist authorities in the 1940s are visible.}, title={Między literaturą a polityką ? prywatność w prozie rozrachunków inteligenckich (1946-1948) = Between literature and politics ? privacy in the prose of intelligent settlements (1946-1948)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={proza rozrachunkowa, polityka a literatura, the literature of retribution, politics and literature}, }