@misc{Zhukova_Natalia_Nomadyczny, author={Zhukova, Natalia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={rus}, abstract={The article overviews a nomadic project of postmodernism based on the French novel "Memories" (original title "Les Souvenirs") by David Foenkinos. It is noted that nomadic (from English nomad ? a wanderer) project captures in his text the state of culture being "seized" by the quantum leap principle.}, abstract={The history of any individual has a random-probabilistic nature, as well as interpretations that are given to certain historical events (later becoming official versions), are also of randomprobabilistic nature. Consequently, no one can claim truth only in his or her personal story.}, abstract={From this point of view, every individual is a "nomad" travelling in history. The coincidence of memories occurs in the Aeon, forming the "event of the Aeon". The course of life depends on the vector of memories and on the meaning that is given to them, as well as on what other events-memories from the Aeon "cling" to human consciousness.}, title={Nomadyczny projekt Dawida Foenkinosa = Nomadic project of David Foenkinos}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wspomnienia, nomada, projekt nomadyczny, postmodernizm, chaosmosis (przestrzeń chaosu), eon, memories, nomad, nomadological project, postmodernism, chaosmosis (chaotic space)}, }