@misc{Ajdačić_Dejan_Cena, author={Ajdačić, Dejan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={ukr}, abstract={The novel entitled "Novendialia" (2008) by a Ukrainian authoress Maryna Sokolian (1979) with elements of a detective story and urban horror tells about fights between life energy kidnappers and its defenders employed by the Night Town Hall.}, abstract={In the text religious and psychologic aspects of various allusions are considered as well as authoress? implications of fictitious mythical-magical system from the point of view of religion, philosophy, psychology (especially psychoanalysis). The price of lifeand death proves that the writer fits in the type of a novel on self-fulfilment, sacrifice and passions.}, title={Cena życia. Mitologiczne fantazje i psychologia w powieści "Novendialia" ukraińskiej pisarki Maryny Sokolian = The price of life. Mythologic fantasies and psychology in the novel "Novendialia" by a Ukrainian writer Maryna Sokolian}, type={artykuł}, keywords={literatura ukraińska, miejska fantasy, fantastyka, anima, libido, witalizm, wampir, religia, psychologia, Sokolian, Maryna (1979 -), Ukrainian literature, urban fantasy, fantasy, vitalism, vampire, religion, psychology}, }