@misc{Sztyber_Radosław_O, author={Sztyber, Radosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper is an attempt to present the real message of Sauromatian Flag (Chorągiew sauromatcka) by Marcin Paszkowski. The XVII century text is considered to be an eulogy of the whole Polish army that had beaten the forces of Ottomans' Empire in 1621 at Khotyn (Chocim). However a lot of obvious historical facts contradicts such a point of view for a significant part of Polish troops has never reached the battlefield near the Dniester River at all.}, abstract={They returned home from Lviv (Lwow) just after the end of fights against Turkey. But Paszkowski shows the members of the Noble Host (pospolite ruszenie) as victorious participants of the war and this idea seems to be a simple false inspired with author?s sophisticated tendency willing to defend the noblemen mass from any allegation because they were led by the king, Sigismund III Vasa (Zygmunt III Waza). And there is no need to believe the Paszkowski's suppositions.}, title={O wymowie "Chorągwi sauromatckiej" Marcina Paszkowskiego = The message of Sauromatian Flag (Chorągiew sauromatcka) by Marcin Paszkowski}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={"Chorągiew sauromatcka w Wołoszech, to jest pospolite ruszenie i szczęśliwe zwrocenie Polakow z Wołoch w roku teraźniejszym 1621", Paszkowski, Marcin - twórczość, literatura polska - historia, 17 w.}, }