@misc{Jazownik_Maria_Nie, author={Jazownik, Maria}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the Polish literature at the turn of the 20th century two concepts of art were clashing - the conceptof the "committed" art and of the autonomous one. An important role in the disputes regarding thecharacter of art had Cracovian "Życie" ("Life"), one of the most important literary magazines of theYoung Poland period.}, abstract={In the earlier literary studies the focus was primarily placed on the literary manifestos proclaimedin "Życie" and on highlighting the magazine`s contribution to the promotion of the idea of autotelicart. On the other hand not too much attention was given to the "committed" poetry published in themagazine. Until now it had not been a subject of any synthetic study. The presentation of the poeticpatriotic movement, strongly associated with the Romantic Tradition and the national history, is goingto slightly correct the consolidated and quite one-sided image of "Życie" as a modernistic magazine,fulfilling the motto "art for art`s sake".}, title={Nie tylko "sztuka dla sztuki". Poezja patriotyczna na łamach krakowskiego "Życia" (1897-1900) = Not only "art for art`s sake". The patriotic poetry on the pages of Cracovian "Życie" (1897-1900)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={czasopisma literackie, czasopisma polskie, czasopiśmiennictwo polskie - 19 w.}, }