@misc{Olszewska_Maria_Jolanta_"Oko, author={Olszewska, Maria Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Assuming that every reading act is not only about ferreting out the literary sense, but also the semioticcontexts, the attempt undertaken in the article is to analyze the historical novel regarding Polishhistory in the seventeenth century, "Oko proroka" (1899) by Władysław Łozinski, in the context ofpopular French contemporary novel, "Tajemnice Paryża" ("Les Mysteres de Paris"; 1842-1843, ed. Polish 1844) by Eugene Sue.}, abstract={Despite the deep differences between these two novels, it turns out that in the structure of the Łoziński`s novel we can find the elements of the convention of mystery novels, especially in the fragments describing Lvov. The city is shown as a city of "secrets". Moreover, the mystery, differently understood in the novel, and related to the history of a stolen diamond, connects all fictional stories. The immutability of a mystery novel depends on the individual decision concerning writing, but one can indicate the common features, determined by the literary premises with regard to the subject`s attractiveness.}, title={"Oko proroka, czyli Hanusz Bystry i jego przygody. Powieść z dawnych czasów" Władysława Łozińskiego. Lektura w kontekście "Tajemnic Paryża" =" The Prophet?s Eye: Hanusz Bystry and His Adventures.Reading" Władysław Łoziński`s Historical Novel in the Context of Eugene Sue`s "The Mysteries of Paris"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Łoziński, Władysław (pisarz; 1843-1913), literatura polska - historia - 19 w., powieśc polska - 19 w.}, }