@misc{Kandora_Marcin_In, author={Kandora, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Organizational routines are a frequently researched phenomenon in contemporary management science. Although the available theoretical foundations of Routine Theory seem to have reached a significant degree of maturity over the last thirty years, the same could not be said about the availability of material advice for the management practice.}, abstract={This paper addresses this gap and proposes a framework for an effective routine shaping process. It builds on a brief analysis of available literature on routine formation, supported by case study findings. The approach proposed stresses the importance of the controlled learning process and underlines the importance of deliberate implementation, in contrast to the evolutionary and engineering views on routine emergence.}, title={In search for effective methods of routine formation = W poszukiwaniu skutecznych metod kształtowania rutyn organizacyjnych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rutyny organizacyjne, integracja aplikacji, implementacja rutyn, organizational routines, application integration, routine implementation, controlled learning}, }