@misc{Stankiewicz_Janina_Motivation, author={Stankiewicz, Janina and Seiler, Bartosz and Bortnowska, Hanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Market of volunteers in Poland, especially those ones with specialized skills, is limited. An important reservoir of volunteer work are the universities. Non-governmental organizations should consider sustained cooperation with them. Volunteers predisposed to provide administrative support could be sought among the students of management.}, abstract={This article aims to answer the following questions: Are students of management want to get involved in the activities of non-governmental organizations? What are the motives of involvement in voluntary dominate among them? What benefits do they see, in collaboration with NGO`s? What actions can take the managers of these organizations to motivate volunteers?}, title={Motivation of management students to engage in volunteering (in the light of research results) = Motywacja studentów kierunków menedżerskich do angażowania się w wolontariat (w świetle wyników badań)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={organizacje non profit, wolontariusze, motywacja, studenci kierunków menedżerskich, non profit organizations, volunteers, motivation, management students}, }