@misc{Jarocka-Mikrut_Aleksandra_The, author={Jarocka-Mikrut, Aleksandra and Gleń, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={There are many Eastern Orthodox church buildings throughout the Lublin Province. Over the years, these architectural objects have undergone multiple transformations, both in terms of changing religious denominations and rituals and also adaptation to new functions, such as warehousing. This article classifies and presents the transformations carried out in selected Eastern Orthodox churches in the Lublin province.}, abstract={By using comparative analysis of the buildings` primary condition and their current state, it was possible to identify the risks and opportunities arising from the process of adapting these buildings and their rich historical background. Additionally, the article includes a subjective assessment of the adaptation works and their influence on the physical form of the Eastern Orthodox churches examined. To present the adaptation methods currently applied to religious buildings located in Poland, this article focuses on examples of already-transformed properties that used to have a religious function in the past, but that have now been turned into commercial properties.}, title={The problems of Eastern Orthodox church buildings of historical value - changing uses over the years = Problemy zabytkowych obiektów cerkiewnych - zmiana funkcji użytkowych na przestrzeni lat}, type={artykuł}, keywords={cerkiew, obiekty zabytkowe, adaptacja, województwo lubelskie, Eastern Orthodox church, adaptation, transformation, Lublin province}, }