@misc{Kononowicz_Wanda_Historical, author={Kononowicz, Wanda and Gryniewicz-Balińska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Since about the mid-nineteenth century, together with the changing socio-economic situation, different types of allotments appeared in Wrocław. Initially, they were rented gardens, gardens for the poor or for factory workers. At the beginning of the twentieth century, school gardens and the so called Schreber gardens with a large common square were set up as part of Dr. Schreber`s educational health program. In 1914-1918, "war" vegetable gardens were commonly cultivated.}, abstract={In the 1920s allotment gardens began to be systematically introduced to the city plan as permanent, purposefully designed elements of urban greenery. They were often designed together with urban parks, or so called "Folk Parks" of a recreational and sport character. In the 1930s, during the economic crisis, allotments with garden houses were adapted for the unemployed and the homeless to live in.}, abstract={Wrocław allotment gardens have undeniable historical, social, recreational, economic and compositional value. These gardens are a cultural heritage that should be protected. In Western Europe we are witnessing a renaissance of the idea of allotments, while in Poland - a tendency to eliminate them from urban landscapes.}, title={Historical allotment gardens in Wrocław - the need to protection = Historyczne ogrody działkowe we Wrocławiu - potrzeba ochrony}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zieleń miejska, ogrody działkowe, ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego, Wrocław, 20 w., urban greenery, allotments, protection of cultural heritage}, }