@misc{Antczak-Jarząbska_Romana_Assessment, author={Antczak-Jarząbska, Romana and Krzaczek, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the research results of field measurements campaign of natural ventilation performance and effectiveness in a residential building. The building is located in the microclimate whose parameters differ significantly in relation to a representative weather station. The measurement system recorded climate parameters and the physical variables characterizing the air flow in the rooms within 14 days of the winter season.}, abstract={The measurement results showed that in spite of proper design and construction of the ventilation system, unfavorable microclimatic conditions that differed from the predicted ones caused significant reduction in the efficiency of the ventilation system. Also, during some time periods, external climate conditions caused an opposite air flow direction in the vent inlets and outlets, leading to a significant deterioration of air quality and thermal comfort measured by CO2 concentration and PMV index in a residential area.}, title={Assessment of natural ventilation system for a typical residential house in Poland = Ocena działania wentylacji naturalnej w budynku mieszkalnym, wielorodzinnym}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wentylacja naturalna, komfort cieplny, PMV, efekt kominowy, natural ventilation, CO2, concentration, microclimate, stack effect}, }