@misc{Bartkowiak_Piotr_Shaping, author={Bartkowiak, Piotr and Krzakiewicz, Marianna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The main objective of this article is to evaluate the significance of forming the intra-municipal relations in relation to place marketing, based on the example of the Polish city of Poznan. Different conceptions of place marketing, and intra-municipal relations are defined, their mutual correlation aimed towards increasing a city's value is explained, and intra-municipal relations are illustrated. Poznan was chosen due to the preparatory cooperation which took place between the city, and its citizens.}, abstract={It is explained how Poznan's authorities incorporate practices of shaping the intra-municipal relations as a place marketing practice, for facing the city?s important challenges such as: ageing of the society, ecological issues, the need for public participation, as well as the importance of maintaining a high quality of life for its citizens. The conclusion is drawn, that such marketing efforts for dealing with these issues do in fact have the joint goal of increasing the quality of life of all the residents of the city and that these practices are a recognised part of place marketing for the city of Poznan.}, title={Shaping of the intra-municipal relations in the contemporary local government on the city of Poznan example = Kształtowanie relacji wewnątrzgminnych we współczesnym samorządzie terytorialnym na przykładzie miasta Poznania}, type={artykuł}, keywords={relacje, samorząd terytorialny, marketing terytorialny, poziom życia mieszkańców, relations, territorial self-government, territorial marketing, living standards of residents}, }