@misc{Budziewicz-Gruźlecka_Agnieszka_The, author={Budziewicz-Gruźlecka, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Currently, the young generation develops in the vicinity of rapid technical and technological progress, which results in indispensable continuous access to the Internet. It is important to use this access skillfully, sensitizing young people to culture, which has a huge impact on the development of the creative industry. The aim of the article is to try to recognize how young people use cultural goods.}, abstract={The article presents the following research hypothesis - Increasing youth education in the use of cultural goods through the Internet will create a future creative class. It is important to draw today's youth's attention to the opportunities offered by the Internet in terms of access to culture. Education young people in this area contributes to creating a knowledgeable creative class. We should also remember, however, that the richness of web content facilitates access but at the same time translates into fragmentation of cultural experience.}, title={The role of youth in the development of the creative industry = Rola młodzieży w rozwoju przemysłu kreatywnego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przemysł kreatywny, zarządzanie rozwojem kreatywności, klasa kreatywna, edukacja młodzieży, rola młodzieży, creative industry, creative class, management of creative development}, }