@misc{Szumowski_Witold_A, author={Szumowski, Witold and Cyfert, Szymon}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={A significant level of uniqueness and variability of the carried out tasks compel the management of contemporary organizations to continuously search for methods and concepts allowing to increase flexibility in adapting their organizations to ongoing changes. One of such concepts oriented at increasing the levels of flexibility of an organization is strategy, which up to the end of the last century was used mainly in organizations driven by financial results.}, abstract={Yet the analysis of the phenomena taking place in both the closer and more removed environment of the local administration allows us to observe that these entities, operating under public scrutiny and political pressure, have to face up to increasingly complex requirements regarding the reduction of time spent on the realization of tasks in hand having limited financial resources at their disposal and ensuring the high quality of the services rendered which is possible, among others, due to locating their activities in strategic space.}, abstract={However it should be noted that in order to obtain results expected from the strategy, it is necessary to adjust the level of its advancement to both external and internal conditions, which in turn demands evaluating its strategic maturity. The aim of this article is to present the authors' proposal of a model for evaluation of strategic maturity of the local government, based on the assumptions of the good governance concept.}, abstract={On the basis of the analysed subject literature, the authors addressed the essence of the concept of good governance, pointed out the role of maturity models in the process of improving an organization and discussed the importance of strategy in the local administration.}, abstract={The demonstrated need for conducting evaluation of the levels of maturity in the strategy of local government, as well as the advisability of including in the process of evaluation the main assumptions of the good governance concept raised in this study, provided the basis for the proposed model of evaluating strategic maturity of the local government.}, title={A model for evaluating strategic maturity of the local government = Model oceny dojrzałości strategicznej urzędów administracji samorządowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={strategia, dojrzałość strategiczna, urzędy administracji samorządowej, strategy, strategic maturity, local government administration}, }