@misc{Ostrouch_Tymon_Space, author={Ostrouch, Tymon and Sługocki, Waldemar}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={In the 21st century in a globalized world the level of competitiveness depends on numerous factors. This article concentrates deliberations on several of them, including space, population and international exchange. For ages, the international position of a country depended on its geographical size or access to sea. The country's size was also determined by its internal demographic potential.}, abstract={As civilization progressed, there was a reorientation of factors which influence the development of individual countries and their regions. The contemporary world has seen an emergence of countries with small surface area and minor human potential, which yet are global development leaders. In the literature, they are often referred to as small states. Analysis of research shows that small countries are more involved, for instance, in providing support for the society.}, abstract={International exchange is also important for the development of individual countries. In this aspect, small countries turn the apparent threat related to a small market into an advantage. In the conclusion of the deliberation, the authors of the study point out that despite significant economic, social and cultural evolution, space and population are still important elements of development, although, they note, the role of such elements of spatial policy as natural resources is smaller than in the past.}, title={Space and population - competitiveness determinants in the age of globalization = Przestrzeń i populacja - czynniki determinujące konkurencyjność w dobie globalizacji}, type={artykuł}, keywords={konkurencyjność, przestrzeń, populacja, polityka regionalna, wymiana międzynarodowa, competitiveness, space, population, regional policy, international exchange}, }