@misc{Karp_Paweł_Postawa, author={Karp, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the history of the Hussite movement, the year 1432 stands out because of the significant military and diplomatic successes. The Bohemians ventured then abroad (so-called 'beautiful raids'). In March, having crossed Silesia and Lusatia, they invaded Barandenburg and got as far as Berlin. In order to save their lands from the ravages of the war, Frederick I, Margrave of Brandenburg, Elector of Saxony, and numerous Silesian dukes and noblemen of the Jauer-Schweidnitz and the Breslau duchies were forced to agree on a truce with the Hussiteleaders.}, abstract={The biggest success of the Bohemians, however, was their appearance at the Council of Basel. This paper presents the letters from the Governor of Neumark, Heineich von Rabenstein, to the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Paul von Rusdorf - sent over the period of March-July 1432. They make for interesting reading about Henryk IX and Jan Żagański's stance on the threat of the Hussite wars on their lands.}, abstract={In the first letter, of March 18, sent from Kostrzyn (Germ.: Küstrin), the governor warned the Grand Master that the duke Jan Żagański supposedly was going to come to Poland's rescue with a 1,000-strong army against the Teutonic Order. The second letter, of April 29, sent from Gorzów (Germ.: Landsberg), informed of the Hussites' retreat from Brandenburg "nach Berezogen Heinrichs lande". The third letter, of July 4, also from Gorzów, presented the provisions of the truce between the Duke of Glogau and the Hussites. Henryk IX had to pay l ,400 guilders and, also, provide the Bohemians with 40 barrels of beer. The letters come from the collection of Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem.}, title={Postawa Henryka IX Głogowskiego i Jana Żagańskiego wobec wypraw husyckich w roku 1432 w świetle listów wójta nowomarchijskiego do wielkiego mistrza zakonu krzyżackiego = Henryk IX Głogowski and Jan Żagański and the hussite incursions of 1432 - as described by the governor of Neumark in his letters to the grand master of the teutonic knights}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Henryk IX Starszy (głogowski) (książę; między 1387 a 1392-1467), Jan I żagański (książę; ok. 1385-1439), husyci, Śląsk, Dolny - historia, Księstwo Głogowskie - historia, epistolografia, 15 w.}, }