@misc{Adamczak_Marcin_"Chronik, author={Adamczak, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper describes a XIX-century chronicle written by Heinrcich Gerlach, pastor of an Evangelical commune in Wolsztyn. The first part of the paper deals with the circumstances in which the chronicle was written and its history. A general description of the contents is given.}, abstract={The second part focuses on the chronicle's treatment of the Evangelical-Catholic relations over the period of XVII - mid-XIX c. It describes the relations among the Catholics and the situation of the Evangelicals in towns - as exemplified by Wolsztyn - under the successive administrations of Poland, Sud-Preussen, Duchy of Warsaw, and Grand Duchy of Posen. Additionally, a list of all Wolsztyn's German pastors is included.}, title={"Chronik der evangelisch-lutherischen kirche und gemeinde zu Wollstein von 1602 bis 1839" jako źródło badań nad protestantyzmem i regionem = "Chronik der evangelisch-lutherischen kirche und gemeinde zu Wollstein von 1602 bis 1839" as a source text for the study of protestantism in the region}, type={artykuł}, keywords={luteranizm, protestantyzm, Wolsztyn (woj. wielkopolskie), kronika, źródła historyczne, 17-19 w.}, }