@misc{Janczys_Anna_"Chronik, author={Janczys, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={"Chronik der Stadt Sprottau" was written by Johann Gottlob Kreis in the 1830s. It is an example of Silesian historiography produced by historians who did not study urban history professionally. Three copies of this work remain: two in "Archiwum Państwowe w Zielonej Górze", based in Stary Kisielin, and the third - in "Izba Historii" in Szprotawa. The chronicle was commissioned by the town authorities - the author was a member of the town magistrate.}, abstract={The work is divided into two parts: X-XVIII c. and 1800-1830. The events are given concise treatment. Though set in the broad Silesian context, the chronicle chiefly describes the history of the town. The contents can be divided into two categories: historical and legal information for the town authorities, c.g. descriptions of transactions, bills from the times of war, alongside reports of daily life of inhabitants, e.g. descriptions of ceremonies, religious life, and folk tales - because the chronicle was also meant to make for an entertaining read.}, title={"Chronik der Stadt Sprottau" Johanna Gottloba Kreisa = "Chronik der Stadt Sprottau" of Johann Gottlob Kreis}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Kreis, Johann Gottlob (?-1847), Szprotawa - historia, źródła historiograficzne, 19 w.}, }