@misc{Gorzelana_Joanna_Elementy, author={Gorzelana, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The analysed text of the memoir "Historia mego wieku?" is considered to be typical of Sentimentalism. Its author, Franciszek Karpiński, was not an ecclesiastic, so it was assumed that the religious vocabulary in this text should not diverge significantly from the common language used in this epoch.}, abstract={The article examined the vocabulary and phraseology that are semantically related to religion: i.a. to God, prayer, religious buildings (church, chapel, Orthodox church), members of the clergy (priest, friar, monk, pope, nun). Despite the fact that the author rarely reflects on his faith and religion, the text abounds in vocabulary related to these issues. That vocabulary presence is an evidence that writers did refer to religion in their texts on everyday life, even though they lived in the times of rationalism and atheism.}, title={Elementy leksykalne z pola semantycznego religii w "Historii mego wieku?" Franciszka Karpińskiego = Religious lexical field in memoirs from the Enlightenment on the basis of "Historia mego wieku?" ["History of my century?"] by Franciszek Karpiński}, type={artykuł}, keywords={pamiętnik, oświecenie, wiara, Bóg, modlitwa, memoirs, Enlightenment, God, faith, prayer}, }