@misc{Siama_Alfred_Krytyka, author={Siama, Alfred}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The main topic of the article is the attitude of the 18th century publicists to traditional romance. The work points to selected judgments about this literary genre present in the encyclopedic and journalistic texts of the Enlightenment. Some similarities in the perception of the genre, as well as some discrepancies in how the intellectuals of the era comprehended this term were indicated.}, abstract={The reviews presented by the authors are usually of irreverent and critical manner, which results from the fact that the traditional romance was perceived by the literary elite of those times as anachronistic, void of thought or ideology, deprived of artistic values and good taste. Although the leading represen?tatives of the Enlightenment consistently criticized romance, it was remarkably popular throughout the entire century. They were read willingly and therefore often published.}, title={Krytyka romansu tradycyjnego w publicystyce oświeceniowej = Criticism of traditional romance in Enlightenment publishing}, type={artykuł}, keywords={romans tradycyjny, oświecenie, publicystyka, krytyka, traditional romance, Enlightenment, journalism, criticism}, }