@misc{Tichoniuk-Wawrowicz_Ewa_"Żelazne, author={Tichoniuk-Wawrowicz, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Alterity means being misunderstood as an individual, different from a hegemonic dominance (of some class, race, religion, gender etc.). However, the problem of alienation and oppression is not limited to cultural and geographical peripherality. According to Emmanuel Levinas, the feminine represents otherness in its absolute sense.}, abstract={Oriana Fallaci in her reportage on a whirlwind trip around the world, "The Useless Sex: Voyage around the Woman" (1961), shows both aspects of otherness. "The Useless Sex" is an overview of women's lives in a variety of Asian and Pacific Rim countries. Fallaci tries to present them in a multi-faceted way and create a broader picture of femininity than the one to which western civilization is accustomed. However, her reportage is obviously notan anthropological treatise.}, abstract={Due to the journalistic engagement, non-transparent narration and a lack of developed theoretical or historical background, it can hardly be considered objective, and sometimes contradictory conclusions are drawn in an intuitive way, but this is what makes narrative reportage as practiced by Fallaci.}, title={"Żelazne motyle". Inna strona kobiecości według Oriany Fallaci = "Iron butterflies". The other side of femininity by Oriana Fallaci}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Fallaci, Oriana (1929-2006), reportaż włoski, kobiecość}, }