@misc{Urban-Podolan_Aleksandra_(1974-_)_Bliska,, author={Urban-Podolan, Aleksandra (1974- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article deals with the views of Russians and Scandinavians on each other - as found in short stories by Nataliya Tolstoy (1943-2010) in which she focuses on the differences in mentality, culture, and living standards between the two nations. The literary picture of Scandinavia and Russia shows a confrontation of the two realities: her protagonists view the North as an 'alien' land, yet a very desirable one - as a destination for travelers and migrants.}, abstract={In her contrast-orientated literary depiction of Russia and Scandinavia, Nataliya Tolstoy relied chiefly on her real-life memories: she had got to know Scandinavian languages, cultures, and mentality during her frequent visits to Sweden and Finland - as an intern, visiting professor, or interpreter - and also thanks to her work as a guide for Scandinavian tourists and delegations visiting Sankt Petersburg.}, title={Bliska, a jednak obca: Skandynawia oczyma bohaterów prozy Natalii Tołstoj = So close and still far away: Scandinavia in the eyes of the protagonists of Natalya Tolstoy?s prose}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Tołstoj, Natalia (pisarka rosyjska; 1943-2010), literatura rosyjska, opowiadanie rosyjskie, 20 w.}, }