@misc{Kotin_Andrej_Dusza, author={Kotin, Andrej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is concerned with the problem of social and existential alienation of an individualin a foreign cultural and geographical space as portrayed in the novel of Gajto Gazdanov "Night Roads". The protagonist is a young Russian emigrant who had to leave his homeland because of the Bolshevik Revolution.}, abstract={Living in Paris, he works as a night-taxi driver confronted with a highly unfamiliar environment of prostitutes, drunkards etc. However, this position of an outsider gives him a unique chance to obtain a profitable distance to the world he precisely describes without being a part of it. In the paper this description is analyzed both from the narratological and the semantic points of view.}, abstract={The main attention is focused on such problems as: the intentional and the existential emigration, an emigrant as an outsider, the external and the internal alienation; exile seen with the eyes of a foreigner, emigration as an artistic ruse and a metaphor for inner loneliness.}, title={Dusza na wygnaniu - metamorfozy samotności w powieści Gajto Gazdanowa "Nocne drogi" = So ul in Exile -The Metamorphoses of Loneliness in Gajto Gazdanov's novel "Night Roads"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Gazdanow, Gajto Iwanowicz (pisarz rosyjski; 1903-1971), literatura rosyjska, proza rosyjska, motywy francuskie, 20 w.}, }