@misc{Kulczycka_Dorota_Ameryka, author={Kulczycka, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Exploring the themes of "foreignness" and "domestication" of America in the works of Stanisław Barańczak, the author of this paper attempts to provide answers to the following: what does the poet understand by "emigration" and "emigre condition"?; does the professor of Harvard University think of himself as an emigrant?; how does his "experiencing of America" look like?; how does he dismantle and deconstruct the East and Central European stereotype of the United States and the Americans?; what does the poet, a citizen of Boston (Massachusetts), truly value and view as a rescue from the sense of meaninglessness?}, abstract={The investigation into these issues often leads to unforeseen solutions that are paradoxical in their nature. The theme of the "second homeland" on Earth is linked to the existential and eschatological theme of the "second homeland" in the world of transcendence. While Barańczak's pre-emigration poetry already evokes such associations, they are enhanced in his "American" poems. The view of America they present may disappoint the readers - couched in philosophical terms, it confounds the expected enchantment with modernity and prosperity.}, title={Ameryka Stanisława Barańczaka = The America of Stanisław Barańczak}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Barańczak, Stanisław (1946-2014), poezja polska - 20 w., poezja polska - 21 w., literaturoznawstwo polskie, motywy amerykańskie}, }