@misc{Krylov_Văčeslav_Amerikanskie, author={Krylov, Văčeslav}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={rus}, abstract={The article is devoted to the analysis of various artistic, documentary and journalistic works of Korolenko which are united by the American theme. Both the texts published and those unpublished during the writer's lifetime (travel notes, articles, correspondence) have been analyzed in the article. The analysis demonstrates that Korolenko's texts are not just ethnographic travel essays, but also a deep reflection on two images of the world - Russian and American, which contain an assessment of the pace of technological progress, of the ideals of freedom, as well as of the attitude towards pragmatism and individualism.}, abstract={National awareness against the background of European and American realities emerges as an important theme in K?r?lenk?'s work. The characters' perception of the "other world" is given through the use of natural and cultural contrasts. Overall, the study shows that the image of America that appears in the works of Korolenko is more penetrating andambiguous than it is generally assumed about this representative of critical realism. It is concluded that the impressions of the trip to the exhibition in Chicago in 1893 became the inspiration for the subsequent creativity of Korolenko up to the end of his life.}, title={Amerikanskie vpečatleniă v tvorčestve Vladimira Korolenko = Impressions of America in the creative works of Vladimir Korolenko}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktonowič (rosyjski pisarz; 1853-1921), literatura rosyjska, motywy amerykańskie, 19 w., 20 w.}, }