@misc{Nogalski_Bogdan_Management, author={Nogalski, Bogdan and Niewiadomski, Przemysław and Szpitter, Agnieszka A.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={In the paper, an attempt was made to answer the following question: what is the maturity level of the Polish companies operating in the agricultural machinery sector within the area of the implementation of quality management principles, methods and tools?}, abstract={In reference to such an outlined purpose, as necessary activities, it was recommended: at the theoretical level - using the reconstruction and interpretation method of the subject literature - to nominate the questions giving opinions on the maturity level in the sphere of the effective implementation of quality management principles, methods and tools; at the design level - to compile a research tool in the form of an assessment sheet that constitutes a result of the literature exploration and discussion among deliberately chosen experts; and at the empirical level - questioning among manufacturers of parts, components and finished agricultural machinery.}, title={Management and quality sciences as a discussion implicator on the maturity of Polish manufacturers of the agricultural machinery sector = Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości jako implikator dyskusji o dojrzałości polskich wytwórców sektora maszyn rolniczych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zarządzanie jakością, dojrzałość przedsiębiorstwa, narzędzia zarządzania jakością, quality management, company maturity, tools of quality management}, }