@misc{Nikiel_Sławomir_New, author={Nikiel, Sławomir}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Total integration of social media and internet into daily life of the young people is the most distinct demographic characteristics of the Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2015). For Cultural and Creative Industries and Institutions in order to engage with this audience efficiently, their business models have to consider social media and more participative approach.}, abstract={The paper addresses the challenges and opportunities that face cultural institutions by analysing and assessing the business models related to new internet solutions. The paper provides a fresh review of the business models in which the author examines the new business model concepts through CCII subject-matter lenses. Discussed case studies show generally successful result in activating Generation Z audience participation in cultural activities. While trying to understand limitations of the cultural institutions position and motivation towards social media and generally mobile internet, the paper raises critical implications of the pervasive internet in the CCII area.}, title={New business models for Cultural Institutions = Nowe modele biznesowe dla instytucji kultury}, type={artykuł}, keywords={administracja, zarządzanie, instytucje kultury, przemysły kreatywne, model biznesowy, business administration, management, cultural institutions, CCII, business models}, }