@misc{Kaźmierczyk_Jerzy_Factors, author={Kaźmierczyk, Jerzy and Tarasova, Anna and Adrianova, Elena and Baszyński, Adam}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Outplacement is a rare HRM tool; hence there is also a lack of research on it. In turn, banks are treated as enterprises that implemented modern management solutions faster than other companies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The bank is a good entity for outplacement testing. Both Poland and Russia belong to the CEE countries.}, abstract={The Polish economy has been promoted to a group of developed countries. The Polish banking sector relies much more on foreign capital than in Russia, which may be important for the development of outplacement. The main aim of this paper is to reveal and explain the differences in the popularity of outplacement in Russian and Polish banks. This article uses survey data collected in Poland and Russia from over 2,000 bank employees. Mann-Whitney test, correlations and discriminant analysis were used.}, abstract={Employees of the Polish banking sector more often than Russian workers noted the absence of any support for dismissed workers (Poland 30%, Russia 23%). Available outplacement forms differentiated in Poland and Russia. A little more focus on counselling support was observed in Poland, and on material support in Russia. The most important factors influencing outplacement were: occupied position, size of locality, sex, work experience in banking, country.}, title={Factors Affecting the Use of Outplacement in the Banking Sectors of Poland and Russia = Czy outplacement jest bardziej popularny w Polsce niż w Rosji? Czynniki wpływające na popularność korzystania z outplacementu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={outplacement, bank, Polska, Rosja, Poland, Russia}, }