@misc{Borowski_Dominik_Jak, author={Borowski, Dominik}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to the status of the novel "Pan Samochodzik" as written by Zbigniew Nienacki'sfollowers. It opens with a characterisation of detective fiction and youth crime novel as a literarygenres. Then distinguishing features of Nienacki?s novel cycle are discussed, for instance, crime storydiscourse, characterisation of the hero and his opponents, narration, time and place of action. Themain body of the article is devoted to the analysis of the selected continuations of "Pan Samochodzik" by contemporary writers.}, abstract={The focus of the analysis is on the identification of the new versions' similarities to and differences from the model. The author of the article addresses also the question of the readers' interest in the sequels and of the continuous development of the cycle. The final question posed by the article is: How does Zbigniew Nienacki's model of crime novel for teenagers functiontoday? It is accompanied by a reflection on the originality in the literature for children and teenagers,which forms a part of popular literature.}, title={Jak dzisiaj funkcjonuje model młodzieżowej powieści kryminalnej Zbigniewa Nienackiego? O wybranych kontynuacjach powieści o panu Samochodziku = How does Zbigniew Nienacki's model of crime novel for teenagers function today? On the selected novel sequels of "Pan samochodzik" ("Mr. Car")}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży, Nienacki, Zbigniew (właśc. Nowicki, Zbigniew Tomasz ; 1929-1994), powieść kryminalna}, }