@misc{Karp_Paweł_Misja, author={Karp, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Duchy of Schleswig, which till 1326 stayed in possession of Holstein counts, played a significant role in Danish politics in the years of the reign of Queen Margaret and her son Eric. The Queen resigned temporarily from the long-conducted battle of the duchy since at that time she realised the plan of joining the three Scandinavian countries- Denmark, Norway and Sweden. She granted this land to the count of Holstein Gerhard VI to hold in fee. Margaret and Eric returned to their plan of regaining Schleswig when unexpectedly the count died on a battlefield in 1404.}, abstract={Military action proved unsuccessful and when the end of diplomatic conflicts almost succeeded, the queen died in 1412. When the following peace talks turned out to be futile, the German king, Sigismund of Luxembourg appointed Henry X Rumpold, the duke of Głogów, as an arbitrator in 1422. His energetically led mission ended 5th January 1423 signing truce in Flensburg till 24th June 1424. Before long, after this occurrence, the dukedied of spreading plague.}, abstract={Mission of Henry X was undoubtedly a diplomatic success and peace lasted until 1427. Unfortunately, for duke himself his mission ended tragically. Sudden and heirless death of the young duke (aged from 26 to 34) interrupted his promising career in the German king's court service. lt also h ad a great impact on a situation of Duchy of Głogów where duke's brother. Henry IX, reigned independently from that very moment. His successor became apparently the last monarch of the duchy from the Głogów-Żagań line of the Piasts.}, title={Misja dyplomatyczna księcia Henryka X Rumpolda w czasie wojny duńsko-holsztyńskiej w latach 1422-1423 = Diplomatic mission of duke Henry X Rumpold in the danish-holstein war 1422-1423}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Księstwo Głogowskie - 14-15 w., Henryk X Rumpold (książę głogowski; ok. 1390-1423), historia - 14-15 w., dyplomacja - historia}, }